DISTRO5 interconnects and simplifies
With the advent of automation in the collection of online rights, the problem arises of the data that identifies your songs. Over the years, the standards and types of data to be declared have changed, only with an in-depth review will it be possible to collect the rights for each of your songs. .
Don't be unprepared, with the new European regulations the distribution of online music rights is exponentially increasing.
Check, Verify, Correct.

Automatically acquires from an audio file, from a UPC list, from an artist's discography
API Database
Automatically collects data and statistics from all digital platforms, Youtube, Radio, TV, Social

Collecting Agencies
Correlates data and manages contracts, manages authors, composers, publishers, imports all data from XLSX
Digital Platforms
Verification of the presence of the songs and correctness of the Metadata
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Collects and correlates data
Highlights discrepancies
Proposes solutions
Correction and sending of data
Correction and sending of data
Collecting Companies
Complete collection of rights